If you’re interested in discovering more about Earthwaking Village
Jonathan England invites you to…
A 7-day retreat in paradise to experience the peace, security, and joy of living in a truly off-grid, self-sufficient ecovillage…
PLUS you’ll automatically “lock in” your own lot in the EcoVillage at an $11K DISCOUNT so you can become a member of the community at the lowest price possible … IF you decide to move forward after the retreat
(Plus, if after the 7-day retreat you decide you don’t want to live here, that’s OK - you will still have a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to remember forever)
 Opportunity Will Be Open Until The Timer Below Hits 0.00!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Here’s everything you get when you sign up for the 7-day retreat:
This Is The Opportunity Of A Lifetime...
 Lock in your own lot in Earthwaking Village that you have the opportunity to move into after checking it out for yourself (no pressure - this is for your benefit so you know what you’re getting into before you commit)

 Get a massive $11,000 DISCOUNT on the price of joining Earthwaking Village (it would normally cost $33K but for those who go on the retreat, you’ll only have to pay $22K if you decide to move into the community)

 Meet Earthwaking community members to discover the people you’ll live with, hear their stories of living in the ecovillage, and experience first-hand the joy and fellowship of community life

 Discover the ins and outs of what it takes to operate a self-sufficient, off-grid ecovillage 

 Participate in daily activities, gatherings, parties, and more

 Get to know Jonathan England and his wife on a deeply personal level to understand the people behind Earthwaking and their God-driven mission 

 Get free meals and lodging for all 7 days 
Over $18k Value For Only $997!!!
Receive These FREE BONUSES:
  • BONUS #1: Visionary Program - This 12-week World Class Leadership Training Program reveals how to find your voice, step into your full power, and become the leader you were born to be to live free and serve others with your gifts. ($3,300 value!)
  • BONUS #2: ​Spiritual Capitalist Course - Do Well While Doing By Turning Your Mess Into A Message (Value $997!)
  • ​BONUS #3: Five Days To Freedom - Learn No Money, No Credit, No Clue Real Estate Investing (Value $997!)
  • ​BONUS #4: 333 Nature Coin - The Sovereign Currency Of Earthwaking Village (Value $999)
  • ​PLUS More....
Over $18k Value For Only $997!!!
Spots are extremely limited and WILL fill up
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